Malachy needed emergency bowel surgery at two weeks old In the back yard at three years old Pitching in to promote HeartKids as an infant A Christmas feast in Waterford, Ireland Malachy's first turn on the HeartKids Segway Loving the Pho made by Mr Hai visiting from Hanoi This horse shoe will not be straightened by Malachy The WALL OF AWESOME, Malachy's room Six of us together on the canvas Honouring Malachy on a Segway tour in Tasmania Maggie and Dom at home Dom's honorary life membership plaque from HeartKids Angelina Jolie had to share WHO magazine with Malachy A promotion for the premiere of the Max Martly movie The town crier heralds the stars of Max Martly and the Fantastic Group Mac at the fighting cocks, Halong Bay Help was needed getting around in Vietnam A screen shot from Mac's YouTube channel "I'm proud of being blue" Maggie and Dom [Malachy bought the tie at a school fete] Dom visiting Malachy's ashes